How to get started with HipHerd

If you're a traveler that is preparing to go on a trip, we provide the best collaborative experience where you can plan a trip in minutes! Instead of telling you, let's go through that together!

If you haven't yet, click the button below to take our personality quiz and sign up!

Click here to get started
Once you sign up, you can get started by creating your very first board!
It's looking a bit empty, so let's start adding some places to make it more interesting. We can start by adding something interesting from another board...

Let's also add something that we've heard about before. I hear this is a good spot to hike....
Some of the personalized recommendations look interesting, let's add some of those too...
Nice nice, it's looking pretty good. Let's move some stuff around to make it a bit more organized.
Oh shoot, we forgot to add our travel buddy to this board. Let's add him as a collaborator.
Now that he's in, we can all update the board in real time! You will no longer be the team member who does all the work in a group project.
When you're all done, you can share the board with the world!
🎉 🎉 🎉 Congrats on creating your first board!